OU Health presents Cycle 66 which helps Autumn Life Center

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

OU Health presents Cycle 66, an inaugural bicycling tour event beginning and ending in downtown Edmond, Sunday, November 7.

The event will raise funds for Autumn Life Behavioral Center at OU Health Edmond Medical Center and the Oklahoma Route 66 Association.

Cycle 66 is a new urban/rural bicycling tour officially formed to highlight communities and business along Route 66 and to support worthy causes in those local communities. The tour offers three routes to accommodate every level of skill and experience. A leisurely 10-mile ride through downtown Edmond, a 33-mile course, and a 66-mile ride encompassing Jones, Luther and Arcadia, provide a range of perspectives of the historic Mother Road. The longest surviving stretches of Route 66 still drivable are found in Oklahoma, forming a network of unique communities and local lore.

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